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Apr 21, 2023

IR TV: WSP Global picks up four trophies at Canada Awards

Quentin Weber shares top tips for a successful investor day

At the IR Magazine Awards – Canada 2023, WSP Global, the Montreal-headquartered management and consultancy service provider to the built and natural environment, was presented with four prizes.

The company was recognized for best overall investor relations (large cap), best IR by a senior management team (large cap), best investor event (large cap) and best IR in the industrials sector.

Commenting on the best investor event nomination before the awards ceremony, Quentin Weber, senior adviser of IR at the company, noted three key points for IROs to prioritize ahead of an investor day.

 ‘An investor day is one of the most challenging events for an IRO,’ he said. ‘The first hurdle is logistics and making sure you have a clear plan, to-do list, expectations and timeline.

‘The second is aligned to IR in general [and it’s about] being proactive, anticipating questions shareholders may ask and thinking about answers. Finally, it’s about being able to adapt and manage stress levels. Those three are some of the keys to a successful investor event.’

For more videos from the Canada Awards ceremony, please click here.

Read the full list of 2023 winners by visiting this page

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