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Sep 23, 2024

The worst day of my IR life: Dealing with the fallout from stock option backdating

Ciena’s head of IR Gregg Lampf discusses the crisis that helped form his IR career
Gregg Lampf, vice president of investor relations at Ciena, has seen a crisis or two in an IR career that has spanned around 30 years. During that time, which has included global financial crashes, seismic election results and several international conflicts, it’s the memory of a corporate policy at the turn of the 21st century that still gets him in a cold sweat. Options backdating is the practice of granting employees stock options that are dated before they are actually issued, allowing the

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Laurie Havelock

Laurie has been part of the IR Magazine team for more than a decade, starting out as a reporter and research editor before becoming editor in 2023. He was previously acting business editor at the i newspaper and deputy business editor at The Daily...
