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Jul 10, 2024

‘I was born in the Brazilian Amazon’: quick-fire Q&A with the editorial board’s André Vasconcellos

The vice president of the board at the Brazilian Institute of Investor Relations talks achievements and nautical past

IR Magazine is proud to introduce its new editorial board. It is made up of 12 seasoned investor relations professionals from across the world, each working at companies in different sectors and of varying cap sizes, but with one thing in common: a passion for pursuing excellence in the profession.

Over the coming weeks, we will be introducing you to each of our board members, who will be working alongside IR Magazine to advise our editorial team about emerging trends, themes and issues facing the profession around the world. You may also hear from them on the IR Voice podcast or on our videos, and you might read their words in our weekly Editor’s Picks newsletter.

This week, we speak to André Vasconcellos, vice president of the board at the Brazilian Institute of Investor Relations (IBRI), who is based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He was formerly CFO and head of IR at Companhia Carioca de Securitização (Rio Securitização). He also serves as a special advisor to Companhia Carioca de Parcerias e Investimentos (CCPAR), coordinator of the lato sensu postgraduate course in ‘law and capital markets’ from Verbo Jurídico, and curator of the lato sensu postgraduate course in 'investor relations and corporate governance' from Galícia Educação.

André Vasconcellos
André Vasconcellos, vice president of the board at IBRI

He tells us more about the biggest IR achievement of his career, his upbringing in the Brazilian Amazon and what the key tenets of IR are for him.

How would you summarize your approach to IR in three words?

Dialogue, transparency and credibility.

What was your most memorable IR moment?

Without a doubt, it was what we achieved as an IR team at ​​Eletrobras, the largest company in the electrical sector in Latin America. We received recognition in 2021 from Institutional Investor magazine in the categories ‘best ESG disclosure’, ‘best crisis management for Covid-19’, ‘best IR team’ and ‘best IR program’. I would also like to highlight that it was incredible in my IR career to have been the most voted candidate in Brazil in the 2023 election for the board of directors of IBRI.

What’s something people don't usually know about you?

I was born in the Brazilian Amazon and was a member of the Brazilian Navy before starting my career in IR.

Read more Q&As with members of the IR Magazine editorial board here

Laurie Havelock

Laurie has been part of the IR Magazine team for more than a decade, starting out as a reporter and research editor before becoming editor in 2023. He was previously acting business editor at the i newspaper and deputy business editor at The Daily...
